Case Study

Taking distilling to the next level

Port of Leith Distillery is unique in Scotland’s historic whisky industry. It’s the country’s first (and currently only) vertical distillery.

Built from scratch in Edinburgh’s popular and vibrant Leith, the modern, multi-story building has created a unique production process where each stage of whisky production takes place on a different floor, from milling and mashing at the top to cask filling at the bottom.

Kirkton Controls early engagement with the distillery’s design team was integral to the production process by developing a control system designed and adapted for Port of Leith Distillery’s unique approach.

Port of Leith Distillery stills

Thomas, from Kirkton Controls, explained: “We’ve designed and installed control panels in many distilleries across the world but Port of Leith Distillery is the first vertical one. Our core design and build principles remain but in this case we had to tweak them to accommodate the distillery’s unique layout.

The production process being used will see the end products’ flavours being different from any other whisky because whisky has never been made this way before in Scotland. It’s a very exciting project to be involved with and we’re looking forward to its future.”

Working closely with the distillery manager, Kirkton Controls’ team designed and built the control panels and system software before installing it, commissioning and testing prior to it going live.

Port of Leith Distillery control panel

Vaibhav Sood, Operations Manager at Port of Leith Distillery, added: “KCL were great partners on this project from the inception, not only they designed and installed all plc and electricals in the distillery but made sure the uniqueness of the building and equipment’s layout was incorporated in their installation. Post completion of distillery build, KCL engaged with distillery team on an effective and efficient commissioning and handover. The production team continues working with KCL utilising their industry knowledge and use of new technology they provide to create a holistic and continuously improving operation.”

Port of Leith Distillery logo

Project Location:
Port of Leith Distillery
Whisky Quay, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6FH

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